Maximize your potential in a
profession full of opportunity.
Let MTAP show you how to profit from it.
Who we are.
Established in 1946 as the Independent Accountants Association of Michigan to protect and preserve the rights of non-licensed accountants in Michigan, we changed our name to Michigan Accounting and Tax Professionals in 2015 to better reflect our members and the services they offer.
MTAP is a leader in providing targeted continuing education that provides practitioners with the tools to sharpen their skills and the services they provide.
Our communication services ensure members get time-sensitive information quickly so they can keep their clients are properly serviced. Our vendor programs also allow members to secure important products and services at discounted prices. And our government connections open doors to provide members a voice when they need one.
Our mission.
MTAP will always represent and protect the rights of our members, provide services to improve each member's skills and opportunities, and uphold the integrity of the profession.
We continually build an organization that provides avenues of opportunity for our members and the clients they serve.